GeneratePress theme

Learn about image sharing integration for the GeneratePress theme.

In this article


Key features of integration:
  • Native support. Support for all images inside the site created with the GeneratePress theme.
  • Blocks support. Support for images inside GeneratePress blocks.
  • Show/hide sharing buttons. Use special display rules to show/hide sharing buttons for specific images and on specific pages.

GeneratePress is a lightweight WordPress theme built with a focus on speed and usability. It is a very popular theme and its paid version additionally includes theme block editor and pre-build layouts.

The Share This Image plugin has full compatibility with GeneratePress theme. Once activated, the plugin will display its sharing buttons for all images across theme. Of course it is possible to control visibility of buttons by using Display Rules option.

Below we will break down the main points of integrating the sharing plugin with the theme.

Start image sharing

It is very easy to start displaying sharing buttons for theme images - just install and activate it. By default sharing buttons will appear for all images of your site.

Here is a more detailed guide of how to start image sharing:

1. Install and activate Share This Image plugin. More details can be found here.

2. Open plugin settings page. Take a look on Display Rules option - with its help you can choose for what images and on what pages to display sharing buttons. Set your own display rules or leave it as is to display sharing buttons for all your images. More details about this option can be found here.

Display Rules option for sharing buttons

Display Rules option for sharing buttons

3. Additionally change any other plugin options like styles, buttons, etc. It is up to you.

4. Now just open any of your theme pages that contain images. Sharing buttons must appear for each of them.

Sharing buttons inside the GeneratePress theme page

Sharing buttons inside the GeneratePress theme page

GenerateBlocks plugin

GenerateBlocks plugin was created by the same team as the GeneratePress theme. This plugin contains small collections of useful blocks.

Image block

Image block

Image block

Sharing buttons for image block

Sharing buttons for image block

Block to display custom images. Include a large number of different options.

Sharing buttons will appear for this block by default. If you want to disable them - use Display Rules option with Selector rule value of .gb-block-image img.

Query Loop block

Query Loop block

Query Loop block

Sharing buttons for query loop block

Sharing buttons for query loop block

Block to display custom queries with specific content. You can use it to display posts/page/any other custom posts type with their title, description, image, etc.

Sharing buttons will appear for all images inside this block. To control visibility of sharing buttons for such blocks use Display Rules option with Selector rule and value .gb-query-loop-wrapper img.